Will Jessop's Writings

Sailing, Food, Programming, Technology, and other things

Do you have a Ruby on Rails application you'd like to be faster, more scalable, or just upgraded safely? I'm currently open to new contracts doing Ruby on Rails and Postgres scaling and performance work, and Rails upgrades. Contact me at will@willj.net to get started.
| tags:Ruby programming

99 bottles of Ruby beer on the wall

A while back a friend and I had a 99 bottles of beer on the wall one-liner competition in Ruby. I just found this in my home directory and so am claiming it as my entry:

def b(c)"#{c} bottle#{c>1?"s":""} of beer on the wall"end;99.downto(1){|x|$>0?x-1:99)}.

It weighs in at a hefty 206 characters and I know it is possible to get it smaller than this, but it is way too much of a time-sink for me to try.